-- 20131107-to-ECHR-from-RLH-Norway.html > Original letter, scanned pdf-format: 20131107-to-ECHR-from-RLH-Norway.pdf ( intern ).
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This is the letter in html-format:
-- 20131107-to-ECHR-from-RLH-Norway.html
Sent via fax, 07. November 2013:
Rule 39. URGENT
As an urgent case,
The Registrar,
European Court of Human Rights,
Council of Europe,
Rune L. Hansen,
NO-5568 Vikebygd, Norway.
Date: Thursday, 07 November
2013, Norway.
I refer to the last letter I received from the ECHR
dated 29 November 2012 conserning my case Application no. 10240/11
Hansen v. Norway.
I hereby request that the documents in the case not are being destroyed
by ECHR and request the case worthy and further processed by
the ECHR. The reasons for this my request are the following:
Regardless of whether I and my family are entitled to or
not entitled to have the matter treated by ECHR, it becomes wrong when
the case is being dismissed with reference to Art 34 and / or Article
I can not see or understand that the conditions to dismiss the case according to Art 34 or 35 are present.
The case is very extensive and has many serious aspects
and important objective units, which I do not think have ever been
treated by either a national or international court. The importance of
this being done is very great.
I may have to promote several aspects and elements of the
case as a separate independent cause for ECHR, on the basis of the same
documentation. Here in Norway today it is impossible. The fact is that
today Norway not at all have any real national legal remedies, but all
only fraudulent.
I became suspicious, disappointed and horrified when I am
already at the beginning from ECHR was told that the matter not will be
dealt with according to Rule 39. I did not then understand why and do
not manage it yet.
Also because of these reactions from ECHR, and
because the seriousness and development of the case, is why I now
write this letter.
The police and prosecuting authorities in Norway today is
a mafia business, politically controlled and treats approximately only
matters against the civilian population and not for the civilian
population, and is manipulative with illegal acts and opposite law. And
care otherwise and at all little or nothing about the Human Rights Act,
the Norwegian Constitution and the Penal Code.
The courts just the same, and is also a life-dangerous financial risks.
Ombudsman also cares little or nothing about real justice
and least of all about the Human Rights Act, the Norwegian Constitution
and the Penal Code. The other public bodies key personnel the same.
It's in today's Norway at all no such thing as the law
specified in ECHR Art 6 regarding the right to a fair trial.
The case also concerns in particular a form of politically
organized serious crime that has become contagious and becomes more and
more dangerous and catastrophic for humans and the world. With
significant similarities from country to country.
Some key words regarding these similarities are the following:
- Politicians, judges, prosecuting authorities and other
key personnel employed in the public administration which
relate opposite to the law. In violation of, among other, ECHR Art
17. For participation in kidnapping, catch hold and destruction of
children and parents and of the family and marriage as the most
important values they are in and for man and society. Systematic
organized crimes against Art 17 and Art 1. A public administration that
protect and safeguards each other's crimes.
- Manipulation with illegal acts and decisions which denied corrected.
- Lack of respect for ECHR Art 8 and everything else of
real justice. Among them especially lack of respect for parental
right, family right and relationship right. Rights that really has been
and is a human right, natural right, people right, penalty right and
Christian right.
- Human-and gender discrimination and degradation. With
among others feminism as a weapon for kidnapping and prisoner hold of
children and parents.
- What really is criminal cases referred and treated unlawful and punishable as so-called civil cases.
- Systematic use and white-washing of false documentation,
harassment and human discrimination. As well as of not competent, not
effective and not impartial and qualified supervisory and monitoring
- Lack of possibilities for access to competent and genuine justice.
- Economic outplunder. Via manipulation with parent right,
family right and relationship right. Inclusive discrimination and
economic outplunder through so-called children's contributions and
other arrangements. And economic outplunder by illegal legal fees,
imposition of case fees, etc.
- War, combat and competition for the child's best used as
a fraud to commit crimes under the auspices of the political and legal
Politicians, judges and others with also the highest
positions and important key positions and many instances in Norway has
been involved, contributory and participant in the criminal activity
this case is about. This applies to amongst other also now former
Prime Ministers Jens Stoltenberg, Thorbjorn Jagland (now among other
things General of the Council of Europe) and Gro Harlem Brundtland -
and many more. Among them also judges who have been or are employed by
the ECHR.
The same or similar circumstances have manifested themselves in several other countries.
It can be and are good reasons to assume that this may be
the cause of why the case was stopped before it reached in ECHR.
The case is all about political organized very serious
crime that permeates the entire public, inclusive legal, management in
Norway - and in several other countries. And in the core of this
case, kidnappings, prisoner hold, torture, out-plundering and
destruction of children and parents, organized by representatives of
our government authorities. Both arbitrary and targeted.
And not least also about the methods, recipes and weapons
used by this mafia business which now worse and more dangerous than
pestilence and natural disasters spread, infect, pervert and destroy in
Norway and in the world. And in and of this business are a great
many people, children and parents, wronged, kidnapped, held as
prisoners, mistreated, tortured, discriminated, degraded,
out-plundered, destroyed and killed. And buried along the way in and
with false documentation and false death certificates.
I and my children and my spouse and family (and very many
others in Norway) is still ongoing kidnapped, held prisoner, under
torture, terror and life dangerous threats. I even without any real
possibility of contact with either my children or my spouse. And they
even without any real opportunity for contact with me. Any attempt of
contact is life dangerous.
This while also economic out-plundering continuous continue and continue.
The political mafia the case relates pretending I have
money they know I have not. And as if they are allowed to charge and
take off my money, when it is illegal and punishable by law. While they
illegal and punishable have already taken most of my money and
everything else and I do not even have enough left to secure or decent
to live or survive. This despite the unwarranted and even life-damaging
consequences they increasingly require and they take more. The purpose
and consequences has long been and still is terror, torture,
out-plunder and murder. And to bury me and the whole thing with their
false documentation and further with false death certificate. This is
an opportunity and a recipe and method, as I said, they also use
towards many others.
And I have continued since the beginning documented it all
. Every day, the amount of documentation I safeguard grown.
Now at the end of this letter I will remembrance of the following words, from the preamble of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC):
"The States Parties to the present Convention,
- Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in
the Charter of the United Nations, recognition of the inherent dignity
and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
- Bearing in mind that the peoples of the United Nations have, in the
Charter, reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights and in the
dignity and worth of the human person, and have determined to promote
social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
- Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and in the International Covenants on Human
Rights, proclaimed and agreed that everyone is entitled to all the
rights and freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any kind,
such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status."
And f.ex. Art 2:
"1. States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth in
the present Convention to each child within their jurisdiction without
discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the child's or his or her
parent's or legal guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin,
property, disability, birth or other status.
2. States Parties
shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that the child is
protected against all forms of discrimination or punishment on the
basis of the status, activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the
child's parents, legal guardians, or family members."
With fellow human regards and hope,
Thursday, 07 November 2013, from
Rune L. Hansen, (( + signature ))
NO-5568 Vikebygd, Norway
My address:
Rune L. Hansen,
NO-5568 Vikebygd, Norway.
Telephone: +47 - 53 76 76 87.
E-mail: hunwww@online.no