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The translation of this document from Norwegian to
English is perr 10.02. 2011 hasty done by Google Translator and is
because og that not entirely completed yet! Still on the
((( norske original-versjon er på denne linken:
( intern )
RLH: Sent (some late because of telephone closed)
perr telefax
04.01. 2011, and perr e-mail: <nav.kundesenter.rogaland@nav.no>.
NAV Vindafjord,
Postboks 3,
5589 Sandeid.
Telefax: 52048711.
Rune L. Hansen (født 06.12. 1955), tlf. 53 76 76 87,
5568 Vikebygd
5568 Vikebygd
Date: Monday 03 January 2011, Tindeland.
Complaints regarding notification of the decision dated 20.12. 2010
My letter to you dated 22.12. 2010 (external) has crossed
their reply letter dated 20.12. 2010 (external). I refer to both of
these letters.
Discrepancy in these two letters with regard to the
calculation for my life compared to actual revenues and expenditures as
well as to law applicable in and for Vindafjord is great.
Their response letter is a serious criminal bypass the
contents of the current Norwegian law and the facts. This looked like
nothing new from NAV his side since the kidnapping of my children 03
April 2008. Which NAV continuously and over and over again has been
kept informed from my side.
This has happened and happens in spite of the NAV and the
NAV of the relevant Vindafjord are well informed about the facts.
The NAV is related to me and my family and the case in
question complex with false documentation, discrimination and
harassment is an expression of serious criminals and life-threatening
and life-damaging conditions.
This has gone so far and is so severe that I now further
clarify this to you and to other public authorities and agencies.
While I require that employees of NAV and NAV Vindafjord
speedily and optimally at once and immediately clean up and correct
these conditions. Also with regard to extenuating circumstances,
restitution and compensation.
Waiver of responsibility or responsibility of confusion in
this respect is not the way to go.
I have the light of this evidence that employees in the
NAV and NAV Vindafjord in relation to this and me and my family and
others have made themselves guilty of serious crimes against human
dignity and appropriate.
These crimes is about crimes against the following
over-arranged current Norwegian law provisions:
Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Article 1:
"Obligation to respect human rights / The High Contracting
Parties shall secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the rights
and freedoms set forth in Part I of this Convention."
Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Article 3:
"Prohibition of Torture / No one shall be subjected to
torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."
Torture-clause of the Norwegian Penal Code 11 chapter,
§ 110-126, on "crime in the public service" -
Norwegian Penal Code § 117a:
"Those who commit torture shall be punished by
imprisonment of up to 15 years. The rough and severely tortured to
death, imprisonment up to 21 years imposed. Complicity is punishable in
the same way. / With torture meant that a public official causes injury
to another person or severe physical or mental pain, / a) with intent
to obtain information or a confession, / b) with intent to punish,
threaten, or coerce someone, or / c) because of the person's religion,
race, color, sex , homosexual orientation, lifestyle or orientation or
national or ethnic origin. /
With public official means of this provision any person /
a) exercise public authority on behalf of the state or municipality, or
/ b) performs services or work as a state or municipality pursuant to
law or regulation shall appoint someone to perform or partially or
fully To pay for.
It is also regarded as torture that the actions referred
to in subsection committed by a person acting at the request or with
the express or implied consent of a public official. / Added by Act of
June 25, 2004 No. 52 "
And Penal Code § 123:
"Misuse a public Tjenestemand its position by undertaking
or Undladelse of Service Action that krænke nogens Ret, punished
him with stalls or the Service Tab or Fængsel until a Aar. / Has
he acted for the lost coffee himself or others an unwarranted wrap, or
by crime or significant damage caused Retskrænkelse
forsætlig may Fængsel until 5 Aar imposed. "
And Penal Code § 124:
"A public Tjenestemand as unconstitutional circuit using
his public position that persuaded or story that persuaded some that
do, tolerate or undlade anything, be punished with stalls or the
Service Tab."
And Penal Code § 125:
"A public Tjenestemand, where the parent or incite anyone
to him in the public service, minor or his supervision during the
dealer button Tjenestemand the crime himself in this service, or
assisting him thereby or vidende charging him do it or who misuse their
public position to urge a candidate public Tjenestemand to crime in the
Service or to assist him in doing so, shall be punished according to
the same penal provisions as this. / penalty is applicable without
consideration to, the other at Tjenestemand Grund out of good faith or
out of the second Grunde not strafskyldig. "
False documentation-section of the Norwegian Penal Code 11
chapter, § 110-126, on "crime in the public service" -
Penal Code § 120:
"Have a public Tjenestemand in any service person Protocol
indicated Usandhed or added Hide at Sand Avenue, or he has at
Udfærdigelsen out Protokoludskrift, Telegram and Telephone
Notification or by stamping, labeling or candidate officially
Statement, which is afgiven that serve as evidence, stated or The
certificate Usandhed Hide or added at Sand Avenue, punished him with
the Service Tab or Fængsel until 3 years, but until six years,
provided that he has acted in Hensigt that go coffee himself or others
an unwarranted wrap or harm anyone. "
And false-statement clauses in Norwegian Penal Code 11
chapter, § 110-126, on "crime in the public service" -
Penal Code § 189 and 190:
"§ 189 it, as in before using or udenlandske public
documents or books or Lægeattester afgiver urigtig Statement
angaaende some Begivenhed or Omstændighed, to which declaration
is determined that afgive evidence, or as causing or contributing to,
that such statement afgives be punished with stalls or Fængsel
until 1 Aar, but until three years, provided that Hensigten has been
the go coffee himself or others an unwarranted wrap or harm anyone.
§ 190 The, which has used that Heskey any such
statement as in § 189 nævnt be punished just as therein
provided. "
And Penal Code § 215:
"Whoever in the circuit unconstitutional Hensigt searches
that unddrage a candidate on his site Family Stand or tilvende himself
or a fake Family Stand, or as accessory thereto shall be punished with
Fængsel until 6 Aar. In particularly extenuating
Omstændigheder may booths used. / This provision applies not by
the determination of paternity under the Children Act. "
And Penal Code § 216:
"With up to 3 years imprisonment imposed on anyone who
brings about or contributes to a minor illegally withheld or be
withheld from their parents or other person's care. / Under extenuating
Omstændigheder booths can be used. / Public Prosecution Location
finder alone after the petition of any offense."
And in the Penal Code § 223 (a chapter of "crime mod
the personal Friheden") is law-determined the following:
"Those who illegally deprive a candidate Friheden or
contributes to such Frihedsberøvelse, punishable by
Fængsel until 5 Aar. / Has Frihedsberøvelsen safeguard
over a month, or has it caused some uncommonly morbidity or significant
injury to body or health, or caused nogens Death, imposed Fængsel
for at least a Aar. / It included an alliance with someone to commit an
act specified in subsection, shall be punished with imprisonment up to
10 years. "
The 1 month of § 223 statutory provision is
determined, is a serious serious danger threshold. Which I guess is the
main bulk of the international community's perception. Also with regard
to the criminal context.
And Penal Code § 222, first paragraph:
"With fines or imprisonment up to 3 years shall be imposed
on, as in unlawful conduct or by threatening such force anyone to do,
tolerate or undlate something, or accessory thereto. In particularly
aggravating circumstances, see § 232, third sentence, the
imprisonment up to 6 years may be imposed. "
And all this is relevant also to Penal Code § 132a-a:
"§ 132a: For counteracting the judiciary person who
by violence, intimidation, vandalism or other unlawful conduct towards
a player in the judiciary or any of his closest / a) act so that it is
likely to influence the operator to make or omit a action, work or
service in connection with a criminal or a civil case, or / b) repay an
action, work or service that the actor has performed in connection with
a criminal or civil proceedings. / / The player in the judiciary
defined as / a) has filed a criminal offense, has requested the
resumption of a criminal or is a party to a civil case, / b) has
provided an explanation for the police, the court or the reopening of
the Commission, / c) works or performs services for the police ,
prosecution, court, correctional and revision commission, jj / d) is
the advocate, counsel or counsel, or / e) is considering making such an
action or to undertake such work or such a service. / / Complicity is
punishable. / Obstructing the judiciary shall be punishable by
imprisonment up to 5 years. Is the action carried out under
particularly aggravating circumstances, imprisonment up to 10 years
imposed. In determining whether there are particularly aggravating
circumstances, should pay particular attention to whether the
infringement has caused danger to someone's life or health is committed
on several occasions or jointly by several persons, or has a systematic
or organized feel. / Gross negligent counteracting the judiciary shall
be punishable by imprisonment up to 5 years. "
And the Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Art 8:
"The right to respect for private and family life / 1
Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his
home and his correspondence. / 2 There shall be no interference by a
public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in
accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the
interests of national security, public safety or the economic welfare,
for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health
or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms. "
Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Art 13:
"The right to an effective remedy / Everyone whose rights
and freedoms set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an
effective remedy before a national authority notwithstanding that the
violation is committed by persons acting in an official capacity."
Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Art 14:
"Prohibition of discrimination / exercise of the rights
and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without
discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, color, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
association with a national minority, property, birth or other status.
Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Art 6:
"The right to a fair trial / 1 In the determination of his
civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him,
everyone has the right to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable
time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law. The
sentence will avsis public but the press and public may be excluded
from all or part of the proceedings for reasons of morality, public
order or national security in a democratic society, when the interests
of youth or the parties private life requires it, or to the extent the
opinion of the court strictly necessary in special circumstances where
publicity would prejudice the interests of justice. / 2 Everyone
charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proved
guilty according to law. / 3 Everyone charged with a criminal offense
shall have the following minimum rights : / a. To be informed promptly,
in a language he understands and in detail, about the nature and cause
of the accusation against him / b. To have adequate time and facilities
to prepare his defense; / c. to defend himself in person or through
legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he does not have sufficient
funds to pay for legal assistance, to receive it free when required in
the interests of justice; / d. to examine or have examined witnesses
against him, and get attendance and examination of witnesses on his
behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him; / e. to have
the free assistance of an interpreter if he can not understand or speak
the language used in court. "
Human Rights Act, Appendix 2, ECHR, Protocol 7, Article 5:
"Equality between spouses: / Spouses to be in their mutual
relations and in relation to their children have equal rights and
responsibilities of a private law nature with regard to marriage,
during marriage and in case of dissolution of marriage. This article
shall not prevent States from take such measures as are necessary in
the interests of the children. "
Human Rights Act, Annex 6, Article 23 Paragraph 4:
"States Parties shall take appropriate measures to ensure
the spouses equality of rights and responsibilities of marriage, during
marriage and at its dissolution. In the event of dissolution of
marriage, the children the necessary protection."
Human Rights Act, Annex 4, Article 11, paragraph 1:
"States Parties recognize the right of everyone to an
adequate standard of living for himself and his family, including
adequate food, clothing and housing, and to the continuous improvement
of living conditions. States Parties shall take the necessary measures
to ensure the realization of this right."
And in keeping with this, the Social Services Act, §
1 (purpose of the Act determination) determined the following:
"§ 1-1. Purpose. / The purpose of this Act is
a) To promote economic and social security, to improve
living conditions for disadvantaged, to contribute to greater equality
and gender equality and prevent social problems,
b) ensure that the individual has the opportunity to live
independently and to have an active and meaningful life in community
with others. "
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the rest of the
Human Rights Act (external) are actually very well anchored in Norway.
The Norwegian Constitution § 110c and the Human Rights Act, §
3, and will be a solid confirmation of this.
Constitution with its § 110c has specific laws: "It
is incumbent on the Government Honours The authorities that respect and
ensure the Human rights."
And § 3 of the Human Rights Act provides that the
statutory Human Rights Act "should prevail when conflicting provisions
in other legislation.
With regards from
Rune L. Hansen