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((The original English version of this letter on following link / Den originale engelske versjon av dette brevet på følgende link: ekstern - intern.))


 The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights,
 Council of Europe,

  Rune L. Hansen,
  NO-5568 Vikebygd, in Norway

                                                           Dato:  Lørdag 02. Juli 2011, Norway

   Jeg henviser til Deres siste brev til meg, datert 15. mars 2011, med referanse ECHR-PE1a SCP/1k. Og til min
Application no. 10240/11 - Hansen v. Norway.

   Here I send You all the missing documents, a copy allmost all of the documents in the case. Except copy of the voice-recordings as evidences in the case. Copy of the voice-recordings I have to send You on CD-s or DVD-s if You wont or need to have them. I also have a day by day diary written by me as cover circumstanses of the case, thousand of pages, all in pc-format (html) except some from while I was in prison from 21.10. 2008 to 12.03. 2009. These I also have to send on CD or DVD if its wanted.
   All and everything of all this documents and documentary and the case are from my side made public official.

   Ordspr. 4,12:  "Når du går, skal ingenting hindre din fot, når du løper, skal du aldri snuble."

   I refer to your letter dated 16 February 2011 ( external ) that arrived me yesterday, 24.02. 2011, with reference ECHR-LE2.OR, SCP/lk, with Application no. 10240/11 - Hansen v. Norway.

   You refer
